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American Theocracy divorces US Constitution, promotes terrorism

January 21, 2010

Why are there two Americas?  Why is it becoming an obsession to  become the same Theocratic state that we demean in other countries?  Guess what part of the US Constitution is trashed … the part about no state endorsed religion!

What Does The Constitution say about religion? (It may not be what you think.)

By Oliver “Buzz” Thomas

Ask most Americans what the Constitution says about God, and their answers may surprise you.

“One nation under God?”

Nope, that’s the Pledge of Allegiance.

“Oh, yeah, right, right. How about, ‘Endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights’?”

Sorry, but that’s the Declaration of Independence.


Mostly what you’ll get is a lot of blank stares. Trust me. I’ve tried it in nearly 50 states. Fully 55% of the country, according to a recent survey by the First Amendment Center, believes that the U.S. Constitution establishes us as a “Christian nation.” Worse still, while nearly all Americans say freedom of religion is important, only 56% think it should apply to all religious groups. The truth is that the Constitution says nothing about God. Not one word. And, you can bet that some of the local clergy back in the 1780s howled about it. Newspapers, pamphlets and sermons decried the drafters’ failure to acknowledge God.

One, and only one, reference

Even more interesting is what the Constitution has to say about religion. Although many of the nation’s loudest religionists continue to assert that America is a Christian nation in some legal or constitutional sense, the language of the original Constitution itself suggests otherwise. The only reference to religion is tucked away in Article VI and reads: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like a Christian nation to me. If you wished to create a Christian nation, wouldn’t you at least need to ensure that its leaders were Christian? The No Religious Test Clause stands out because most colonies did have religious qualifications for public office. Many required a belief in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity with some, like the Carolinas, going so far as to require that all elected officials be Protestant.

So, why would the framers of our Constitution do such a thing, and moreover, why two years later would they adopt a constitutional amendment declaring that the new federal government could “make no law respecting an establishment of religion?” Was it because they were militant atheists? Hardly. James Madison, the primary architect of our Constitution, studied under the tutelage of Presbyterian-preacher-turned-Princeton-president John Witherspoon and even considered a career in the ministry before opting for politics.

More likely, the framers were concerned about the corrupting influence the institutions of church and state have on each other when either becomes too cozy. These guys knew their history. They had witnessed the blood shed by governments in the name of religion. Europe was nearly destroyed by it. They also knew their politics. The Baptists, Presbyterians and other Evangelicals were fed up with religion that was “established” by the state (as was the Anglican Church in many Southern colonies and the Congregational Church in New England) and were determined to achieve full-throttle religious freedom for all — believers and non-believers alike. [Read it all including the comments]

Why then do some Americans insist on making this country, founded with secular intent, a Theocracy?  Because it is easy to manipulate, many non-cosmopolitan, religious people into electing politicians who pump their good vs evil beliefs.  OK, I said non-cosmopolitan because, rural areas are less exposed to the realities of a diverse population.  Their understanding of diversity is based on hearsay and exaggeration by biased charismatics.  Look at some of the acid comments recently made about the Haiti victims by TV Evangelist bankers.  Look at some of the nasty comments made about the Tsunami victims several years ago.  The “Christian” venom spewed is no worse than what some radical Muslim clerics spewed about September 11, 2001.   So Christian radicals are competeing for the lowest of low and deceiving America’s Laws by proselytizing on government issued weapons!  How dare they!  America’s secular Constitution made America a Democracy, not a Theocracy!

U.S. military rules prohibit any service member from proselytizing while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, which are primarily Muslim nations.

U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret ‘Jesus’ Bible Codes

Contractor to stop stamping Bible verses on gear for U.S. military

‘Bible codes’ on Afghan army guns

US-made rifles inscribed with Bible codes are being used by US forces and Afghans to fight the Taliban.  The weapons come from Trijicon, a manufacturer based in Wixom, Michigan, that supplies the US military. The company’s now deceased founder, Glyn Bandon, started the practice which continues today.  David Chater, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in the Afghan capital Kabul, said: “It is a rallying cry for the Taliban. It gives them a propaganda tool.  “They’ve always tried to paint the US efforts in Afghanistan as a Christian campaign”.

So, it looks like America is throwing off it’s secular cloak and choosing to behave like Iran: Who rules Iran? Are you kidding? Unless you’ve been on another planet for the past 30 years, everybody knows that it’s the radical Islamist clerics who rule Iran. And they dominate with an iron fist. The post of president is largely ceremonial. All of the candidates in this week’s election were hand picked by the mullahs.

And Malaysia: Religious tension is rising in Malaysia over the Christian community’s use of the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for its own god.

America wants to be ruled by TV Evangelist Bankers who are always holier than everyone else until they’re caught!  This is where Religion has buddied up with weapons manufacturers  to promote killing in the name of Jesus.  Lets make our Christian warriors feel better about killing people with other belief systems, even though they may share their foxhole with Muslims, Jews , Buddhists or Agnostics!

  1. April 9, 2010 12:39 pm

    This article was written with an apparent implication that certain words mean certain things, that are probably based on some bad decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States.

    Although the word, religion, has been used broadly, it has not always been used that broadly. Some history indicates it to be used to mean, Christianity, if not more, in the constitution. If I’m right about that, the two (2) clauses of religion could be taken to mean the following sentence.

    The United States’ legislature may not legislate to favour any denomination of Christianity, [more than any other Christian denomination] mor may the congress make any law to stop the unrestricted practise of Christianity.

    Regarding the word, religious, of article VI, history can help again, such as Martyrs Mirror by Thieleman J. van Braght. When some doctrinal tests were given by Catholics to Christians in preamerican Europe, it was done to test in such a way that to day some might call those denominational tests. Of course it is right to test to wit whether a person is a Christian or not: otherwise we could have gotten what we got, which is somewhat atheistic politicians that meaningfully ignore God, and promote the toleration of sin.

    If you would learn a bit of history of America before the United States’ constitution, you may begin to listen to a series of messages about biblical law v. Constitutionalism beginning with T-742, which can be found on the following internet page. (I have heard through T-767.)

    Regarding terror, it can occur when a people disobey God according to Leviticus 26.


    Edward McCartney
    April 9, 2010


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