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Federal Government in the crosshairs REDUX – OpEd

May 8, 2011

My feelings are still the same as last October.  I am reminded that the risk I saw last year has accelerated, now that the Tea Party is holding America’s future hostage.  The cost of maintaining this country can be cleaned up a lot by trimming the purse strings.  But, going cold turkey by totally cutting the purse strings off, will create a civil crisis that will tear America apart.

Accelerating the current trend, the Federal Government, as flawed as it is, may be dismantled soon.  The Tea Party may be the tip of the iceberg.  There have always been groups dedicated to reducing federal control and increasing state control.   This sounds great. But, there are so many “what-ifs” giving states control rivaling the federal system, that the potential for dissolution of America could actually happen.  A united America is tough to beat. A divided America is easy pickings for anyone who is really organized.  If America becomes a loose federation of independent states, all programs and responsibility for regulation will fall into individual state hands.  No more “Federal Entitlement” programs like Social Security.  No more regulation of anything.  That would fall to each state.  That will be great, except if one state refuses to recognize certifications from another state, there will be chaos.  I am not just talking about marriage.  Federal regulations are what ensure general safety and maintain “infrastructure”.

What exactly is the infrastructure politicians use in their rhetoric?  That is mostly about the services for roads, bridges and pipe lines that carry drinking and waste water throughout their state.  State transportation departments may do the work around the states, but the funding comes from the federal government.  Did I forget oil and gas lines?   At the extreme end of this, The United States of America would have to rename itself The States of America, a loose federation … All those wonderful state programs you use without realizing it are funded by the federal government … that government gets it’s funds from you and me in the form of income tax.  So, we are complaining about income tax are we?  OK, let’s remove income tax from the equation.  You are now personally responsible for funding your state, local and community infrastructure and services.  Fix your own pot hole.  Dig your own sewer and make sure it connects to the rotting system that takes it to the treatment plant … or who knows where.  In today’s economy, not all states are prepared to go it alone.  Let Texas and Alaska secede.

Pick the state that allows you to practice your faith the way you want and go there now.  When the snowball starts rolling, and radical views hijack what used to be the fiscally conservative conscious of America, the dream will end.  Religious conservatives cannot leave anyone alone and just practice their faith.  No, they are compelled to impose their beliefs on anyone who cross their path.  Did I also forget, the satellites that bring the news, weather, communications and Fox News entertainment exist because of partnerships with corporate contractors for the Federal Government?  Without the bargaining power of the Federal Government, you and I would not be able to afford that service.

But for those “dissidents” who want everyone to be like them, or let them decide our personal lives, politics in today’s bought and paid for democracy is not enough.  Today’s US Supreme Court has granted those same corporations to buy national elections by marketing strategy to each community voting base.  They have to get power any way they can, so they demonize anyone who gets in their way.  This is revenge for calling the previous administration out for the deception and crime they sugar coated for the public.

The dream target is President Obama.  For those who cannot see beyond their own community, President Obama represents loss of control over personal and private preferences.  The Republican Party of old is no longer recognizable and pretty much in its own privately funded nursing home.  So, conveniently, larger political movements, funded by corporate interests, have found the G-Spot for the community dissident.  Let’s call President Obama a socialist, a Hitler, a demon from another land.  Let’s use a catchy, patriotic title, and pretend the “little guy” finally has a voice.  The Tea Party Movement, hmmmm that sounds great.

Fortunately for these corporate manipulators, it does not take much to rile these communities into a mindless frenzy.  Let’s use religion.  Let’s use socialism. And for the older ones, let’s use Hitler.  Unfortunately, these communities are short on understanding the meanings of some of the words they enthusiastically use.

Here is what I see.  The Federal Government is the glue holding states together with common interests.  The old “united we stand, divided we fall” analogy applies here.  States may differ with some relevant unique issues and make laws accordingly.  The federal side has the task of protecting everyone within its borders and make states behave accordingly.

But, if the states become independent of the Federal system, they would have to raise their own funds, and call it something besides taxation … They would have to use their State Guard in cooperation with local law enforcement to protect its citizens.  State vigilante groups would have actual responsibility now.  Who knows if they could be held accountable?  Who knows if they would prevail if the Aztlan Movement decided to take the American Southwest back?

These changes would not happen all at once, thank goodness.  But, snowballs get harder to stop the longer they roll downhill.  A divided America is easy pickings for anyone who wants to rename North America by defeating us state by state.


  1. May 8, 2011 2:50 pm

    Hanging may be a bit radical solution, especially if you don’t have a serious replacement system ready to step in. That is basically what I was worrying about in my OpEd. While we are bickering among ourselves, the people have given away their voting rights to corporations. Voters are hammered by corporate marketing campaigns that distract everyone from the real task at hand. The real task at hand is educating voters as to how the government works, before they figure out how to change it without giving this country away to whoever lusts after our resources. I disagree with the blame game you describe. This country was up for sale long before Obama was out of high school. The progression after WWII has come to a head and we are living the consequences right now. That’s what is wrong with so many knee jerk radicals. Myopia and sanitized history prevent them from seeing our current situation in context. It is easy to mesmerize a group of people with disinformation and promote selfishness, when everyone thinks that God is on their side.

  2. Paolo permalink
    May 8, 2011 11:28 am

    I can agree with some of this rationale, but as much as I believe the Dems are the worst terrorists on the planet, I feel the GOP is as guilty of the destruction of the US.
    The US Government has stolen more than $13 Trillion from our Social Security TRUST FUND. This fund is sacred and according to the Constitution this was not to be tampered with. In addition it was recently reported on National TV by a government person that Obama stole $500 Billion from our Medicare to fund his Obama care, this is another Fraudulent attempt to steal Billions of Taxpayer, and Retirees invested dollars for retirement and medical care. All of these people guilty of these crimes against the US population is properly named TREASON!! And thereby all of these people guilty of said Crimes should, per the Constitution; be immediately HUNG!


  1. Texas blog roundup for the week of May 9 – Off the Kuff
  2. Texas Progressive Alliance – May 9, 2011 « TruthHugger

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