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God Has Different Plans For Santorum

April 10, 2012

Thank “GOD” for small favors!  Rick Santorum may have finally gotten the message that he is NOT God’s gift to America, as he bragged.  The idea that America would be forced to return to primitive, pre-modern era leadership is  unacceptable.  American society has been fed too much sanitized information about their religion already, we do not need any more.  Rick Santorum is an elitist, arrogant Cristocrat who would devolve this country into a Theocracy, run by the most vile polluters and corporate profiteers in the world … using Santorum’s religion as their excuse for all the violations they want to make.  Rick Santorum’s version of Christianity is the same Abrahamic offspring that brought slavery to the western world.  The Jews, Christians and Muslims condoned slavery until modern times.  The speeches and wording, Rick Santorum used, were strategic and did not directly use slavery terms when he condemned non-believers or other religions or homosexuals or other ethnic groups.  What was clear is that his mission is to make an elite privileged ruling class out of the ultra conservative christian voter … especially if they owned corporations.  What was made clear, also, was for those not on Santorum’s list of elite would have the federal services, Americans paid for, reduced and reduced and reduced, especially women, gays, blacks and Latino immigrants (who will be required to speak English, if he is President).

Blessed be this moment … Santorum to suspend campaign  and Rick Santorum to drop out of the presidential race

The Christian Science Monitor:

Rick Santorum: top 5 unorthodox views

Rick Santorum: Top 7 culture war moments

Santorum conveniently skips over the less than pious practices, ultra conservative Christians took for granted (because they were more special than someone else).   Don’t forget all the women burned at the stake because someone who did not like them and called them a witch ….But, he wants you to practice only his brand of religion. The one that is a male dominated, corporate funded and in your underwear, that suits him just fine.

Using the Bible to justify slavery. Slavery in the Bible and early Christianity.

WIKI: Christian views on slavery  – Slavery in different forms has been imposed by Christians for over 18 centuries. In the early years of Christianity, slavery was a normal feature of the economy and society in the Roman Empire, and this remained well into the Middle Ages and beyond.[1] Most Christian figures in that early period, such as Augustine of Hippo, supported continuing slavery whereas several figures such as Saint Patrick were opposed.  While Christian abolitionists were a principal force in the abolition of slavery, the Bible sanctioned the use of regulated slavery in the Old Testament and whether or not the New Testament condemned or sanctioned slavery has been strongly disputed. Passages in the Bible have historically been used by both pro-slavery advocates and slavery abolitionists to support their respective views.

The sin was transferred to Noah’s grandson Canaan. Such transference of sin from a guilty to an innocent person or persons is unusual in the world’s religious and secular moral codes. It is normally considered highly unethical. However, it appears in many biblical passages. The curse extended to all of Canaan’s descendants:

bulletGenesis 9:25-27:Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers. He also said, ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japeth live in the tents of Shem and may Canaan be his slave‘. “

Christians traditionally believed that Canaan had settled in Africa. The dark skin of Africans became associated with this “curse of Ham.” Thus slavery of Africans became religiously justifiable. Author Anthony Pagden wrote:

“This reading of the Book of Genesis merged easily into a medieval iconographic tradition in which devils were always depicted as black. Later pseudo-scientific theories would be built around African skull shapes, dental structure, and body postures, in an attempt to find an unassailable argument–rooted in whatever the most persuasive contemporary idiom happened to be: law, theology, genealogy, or natural science — why one part of the human race should live in perpetual indebtedness to another.” 1

By today’s secular and religious standards:

bulletslavery is immoral.

bullet cursing all of an individual’s descendents into perpetual slavery because of an inappropriate act by an ancestor is immoral.

bulletlaying a curse on the son of the person who committed the act is immoral.

At least Rick Santorum will not be laying his curses on the American public.  All we have to do is find out what Mitt Romney has in store for the American voter.  Romney may be a decent guy if he did not have to bow low for the GOP committee.