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CPAC Fans Fuse of Hatred – Seeks Civil War

March 1, 2009

Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy

  • Report: the number of hate groups grew by 54 percent since 2000
  • Obama’s election win fueled some to join hate groups, study found
  • The FBI’s uniform crime report found 7,624 hate crime incidents in 2007
  • Obama is a “visual aid” that helps lure new members, says neo-Nazi

Radical segments, of America’s population, insist on holding someone else responsible for their personal failures.  It is easier to blame AAGK001145their financial plight on:  illegal aliens, “who take their jobs”, black people, “who get a better break”,  Jews, “who run the country”,  Islam, “who is out to get us”,  Liberals, “who seek communism”, and Government who conspires against the christian righteous right…

Enter KKK, Neo-Nazi, SkinHead, Christian Revisionists and hundreds of similar hate groups.  America has freedoms that sometimes allow domestic dissidents a great voice.  Hard Core Republicans have slid into a desperation  that has embraced the Hate Group mentality.  They espouse, every day in right wing forums, how they are determined to cause the Obama Administration to fail.  They do not, however, detail the consequences for the majority of Americans.

A tiny list of today’s hateful society headlines:

Alarming Increase In US Hate Groups

Hate groups on rise, says law center: Recession, Obama election fuel growth

LETTERS to the editor: Hate group’s ‘research’ pushes impossible agenda

Report: Hate groups on rise nationally but quiet locally

Florida ranks third in number of hate groups

Ultra-fundamentalist hate group to picket Canton High

Waltham’s Mass Resistance labeled as a hate group

Immigration, economy, Obama fuel growth of US hate groups

The Number Of Hate Groups In The US Continues To Grow

civil_war_soldiersSo, it is a social and cultural phenomina America is facing.  The Conservative Political Action Conference was a glaring example of how Republicans are teasing the idea of treason,  as defined by the Bush Administration.  The past administration was quick to judge and demean opponents of it’s  policies.  Progressive thoughts and actions were treated as “domestic terrorism”.  Based on that criteria, Republicans are playing with a trip to Guantanamo, while it lasts.  They are behaving like “Domestic Terrorists” by infusing a “Civil War” mentality.  Advocates of violent opposition to the Obama Administration are being stroked by the party that became famous for using lunatic fringe to increase their power base.  Fox News continues to fan the flames of civil conflict, not just unrest.  Hiding behind the curtain “freedom of the press” the radical talking heads  have actually given license to the CPAC agenda:

STRAIGHT FROM CPAC: A Speech for the Ages From Rush

STRAIGHT FROM CPAC: Gingrich Rips Obama

Limbaugh Rallies Conservatives to Fight Democrats, Find ‘Right Candidate’: On the conference’s third and final day, the conservative talk radio host was the headliner, and the crowd greeted him with an immense ovation.

CNN’s Bill Schneider: Limbaugh Speech Was ‘Angry, Mocking, Bullying, Harsh, and Full of Contempt’

Right Wing Radio Talks Secession as Law Enforcement Listens

When you are raised to believe that all your trials and tribulations are the actions of someone or something else, your actions define you.  Seeking a target for your woes, real or imagined, becomes your agenda.  This is where Christian Revisionists and Islamic Jihadists are on the same page.  They are identical.  The most vivid example of this culture of blame is the historic rise of Nazism.  This is where education in America has failed.  History, severely edited to reflect a social and political posture, has been stripped of it’s objectivity.  News reporting has been stripped of it’s objectivity.  Religious leaders, school systems, extreme bias reporting and family myths have served misconception as the main course for brainwashing the next generation.  This is the same flaw that nurtures extremes from the middle east and western society.


Treason is redefined by each new administration.  Unfortunately, those who think they are  disenfranchised are actually benefiting from the same social programs they are fighting.

25 States Considering Sovereignty Legislation

Civil War is NOT the option for those delusionals who think they are disenfranchised, just because America is trying to be inclusive and trying to resurrect fairness, as defined by our founding fathers.

  1. March 3, 2009 8:39 pm

    Good grief Wil, how could I have missed that? Think Todd has his eyes on the vice-presidency? Oh, with President Sarah, of course.
    Poetic justice would be a cabinet full of the cast of Saturday Night Live.
    If the Domestic Terrorists return to power, I really will move to a 3rd world country.

  2. March 3, 2009 8:29 pm

    Someone call Todd Palin. Seems he has some expertise in the area of secession.


  1. Texas blog roundup for the week of March 2 « Off the Kuff
  2. Lubbock Left » Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up 3/2/2009
  3. Eye on Williamson » Texas Blog Roun UP for Texas Independence Day (March 2, 2008)
  4. Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round-Up March 2, 2009 | BlueBloggin
  5. Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round-Up March 2, 2009 « TruthHugger

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